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Training exceptional dogs

for water conservation


























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At Water Leak Detection Dogs, we are passionate about training dogs and conserving water. We train exceptional dogs to find and alert to water leaks in underground distribution lines. If you are associated with a Municipal Water System or a Leak Detection Company, there are many advantages to adding a Water Leak Detection Dog to your team. 

As the Co-Founder of On the Nose Detection Dogs, Carrie Kessler was involved in training Vessel, the FIRST WATER LEAK DETECTION DOG IN NORTH AMERICA. 

Carrie Kessler continues her work with these amazing dogs as the owner and lead trainer of

Water Leak Detection Dogs, LLC. Tim Mitchell assists as business manager and handler.  Together they have trained Flo for Smith Construction in AR and Jubel for Aqua-Terra.Dog Canine Water Leak Detection Services in the Great Lakes Region, three dogs for private leak detection.

Water Leak Detection Dogs, LLC is also available for leak detection service.  We have contracted with plumbers and leak detection services, businesses and homeowners in pinpointing costly water leaks.  Our largest job consisted of a two-mile line of a fire suppression system that was losing approximately 60,000 gallons of water a week.  Within two hours, each of our three dogs independently alerted on 5 underground leaks, saving the company thousands of dollars in excavation and loss of water. Referrals available. 

Meet Vessel: The First Water Leak Detection Dog in North America

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Benefits of using Dogs 

Dogs are increasingly being used to find water main leaks that may elude other forms of leak detection.  There are many benefits to be gained from using dogs in water main leak detection.


Detection dogs have an exceptional sense of smell, far superior to human capabilities. They have been used for decades to accurately locate and identify specific scents, such as drugs and explosives, termites and bed bugs... and now WATER MAIN LEAKS, with impressive precision.


Dogs can cover large areas quickly, reducing the time and effort required for ecological surveys. Their speed and agility allow for efficient data collection, making them invaluable assets in time-sensitive projects or costly water loss.


Unlike some survey techniques that may disturb habitats or wildlife, detection dogs operate non-invasively. They can detect leaking water pipes without causing disruption or harm, making them ideal for sensitive ecological environments, or a homeowner's expensive landscaping.


Dogs can access challenging terrains, including dense vegetation, wetlands, and rugged landscapes, where human surveyors may struggle to navigate effectively. Their ability to reach remote areas enhances survey coverage and data collection.


Using detection dogs can be a cost-effective alternative to other survey methods. They require less specialized equipment and can cover extensive areas efficiently, resulting in reduced surveying costs over time.

Complimentary to Tech

While technology plays a vital role in ecological surveys, detection dogs offer unique advantages. They can detect scents that may not be detectable through other means, providing additional data and improving overall survey accuracy.

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Current Offerings


Handler Owner

If you have an interest in training your own dog for water leak detection we have a program for you. This is an proven online program developed and taught by Elisa Jones.  The lessons are customized to meet the needs of you and your dog. 


Elisa Jones understands dog training. She began training detection dogs in 1996. In 2023 Elisa began working with Carrie Kessler and then trained her own multi titled sports detection dog Duke to detect underground water leaks. Elisa also knows the water industry, as she has been an Ohio Class 3 Water and Wastewater operator since 2012.


Water Leak Detection Dogs

We train and sell exceptional dogs to find and alert to water leaks in underground distribution lines. If you are associated with a Municipal Water System or a Leak Detection Company, there are many advantages to adding a Water Leak Detection Dog to your team. 

Contact us today to learn more!

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Meet the Team

Our team of amazing trainers can train a dog for you or teach you to train your own dog forWater Leak Detection.

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Central Arkansas Water 2019
Nation's First Water Leak Detection Dog

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